Charlie Breitrose
Lowell School is one of four Watertown schools to be renovated or rebuilt in the Building for the Future program.
Tuesday night, Town Manager Michael Driscoll announced the members of the School Building Committee, which will include school and town officials, as well as two members of the public.
The Building Committee will represent the town/school in the projects to renovate or rebuild the three elementary schools and Watertown High School. The town will fund the three elementary school projects, while the it will work with the state to fund the high school renovation/reconstruction.
The members of the School Building Committee will be:
- Two Town Councilors
- Two School Committee members
- Town Manager Michael Driscoll or his representative
- Superintendent of Schools Deanne Galdston
- Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Mary DeLai
- Town Auditor Tom Tracy
- Director of Public Buildings Lori Kabel
- School Principals as ex officio members, and
- Two members of the public with architectural or engineering experience
Selecting the Two Members of the Public
The Town Manager sent out the following announcement:
Town Manager Michael Driscoll is seeking two Watertown citizens interested in serving on the School Building Committee. The committee is being formed to oversee the renovation and expansion of Watertown School buildings related to the Building for the Future initiative. Building for the Future is a comprehensive, forward-looking initiative to address learning, operational, and capacity improvements for all school facilities.
Powers and Duties
The committee is the representative for the Town in all dealings with the architect including but not limited to the following: development and review of conceptual design options and the selection of a preferred design option; preparation of all design, construction and bidding documents; supervision of public bidding process; award of contract to successful bidder; compliance with the program and time requirements of the Town; evaluation of the quality, appropriateness, and functional attributes of the architect’s solution or proposal; periodic meetings with the architect and builder to assure compliance as the project moves forward, review of all change orders during the construction phase; and all other powers and duties as are necessary and appropriate.
Experience and knowledge of architecture, engineering, construction and/or the building trades.
Applicants should submit a letter of interest accompanied by a resume or other information concerning background or experience by Friday, March 2, 2018: by email to townmgr@watertown-ma.gov or by mail to Town Manager’s Office, 149 Main St., Watertown, MA 02472.
Architects Present First Visions for What Watertown’s Elementary Schools Could Look Like