Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts from Watertown collected food for the Watertown Food Pantry at Stop & Shop. In 2018 the Troop is celebrating 100 years of existence.
Watertown Boy Scout Troop 30 will soon celebrate 100 years of existence and Troop leaders are looking for stories and photos from former Scouts for the celebration, planned for Feb. 10, 2018.
Troop 30 sent out the following announcement:
Do you have part of our history? If you’ve been a scout in Watertown, we’d like to hear your part of our story.
To celebrate 100 years of existence, Boy Scout Troop 30 is holding an anniversary fundraiser Feb. 10, 6-8 p.m. All of Watertown is welcome to join us, and we’d like to recognize some of our former scout members as well as the achievements of our current scouts.
Troop 30 started as Troop 204, chartered by the Philips Club of the Philips Congregational Church in 1917. The Troop’s number was changed in 1993 with the merger of the Boston and Minuteman councils.
The Boy Scouts nearly disbanded in 2006 during a leadership crisis, but parents in Allston, Brighton and Watertown stepped up, and now have a strong outdoor program. Scouts aged 10 and up are learning how to care for themselves and others. They’re learning citizenship, stewardship and leadership.
Were you a scout too? Please share your story to present at our anniversary celebration, and join us Feb. 10. We’re collecting stories on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BoyScoutTroop30Watertown/
We’re always welcoming new members to our organization. Would you like to learn more about scouts? We meet every week at 80 Mount Auburn Street in Watertown. Come by and see what it’s all about.