Charlie Breitrose
Thousands were raised by some candidates in the 2017 Watertown Election.
{Updated Nov. 7 at 8:50 a.m.: The reports for School Committee candidate Liz Yusem and Council Candidate David Stokes was left off the first version of the story.}
One candidate for Town Council raised nearly $17,000 and two others raised several thousand for their run this year according to campaign finance reports filed at the Watertown Town Clerk’s office.
The Town Council drew some big bucks this year. Here are the candidates, from highest funds raised to lowest:
Anthony Donato raised $16,695 as of Oct. 30, and spent $5,997.06. He received more than 150 donations of over $50, including State Rep. Jonathan Hecht; the Committee to Elect John Lawn; former State Sen. Steven Tolman; Town Councilors Vincent Piccirilli and Angeline Kounelis; former Town Council President Pam Piantedosi and another donation from her campaign fund; former Town Councilors John Donohue and Steve Corbett; School Committee members John Portz, Kendra Foley and Guido Guidotti; School Committee candidate Amy Donohue; principal of Boylston Properties (developers of the Arsenal Mall, Residence Inn and other projects) Bill McQuillan; president of the Concerned Watertown Homeowners Association John Labadini; Watertown Belmont Chamber of Commerce co-president Bob Airaisan and several real estate agents. The largest donations, of $500, were made by: Bill McQuillan, Anthony Donato Sr – twice., Eleanor Donato – twice, Kelly Donato, Paul Donato of Arlington, Va., real estate broker Michael DelRose, and one made to himself.
Incumbent Tony Palomba came in with $3,287.96 and raised $8,095, for a total of $11,382.96 as of Oct. 30. He spent $3,054.32. He received donations of over $50 from more than 80 people, including State Rep. Jonathan Hecht, Town Council President Mark Sideris, Town Councilor Vincent Picirrilli, outgoing Town Councilor Susan Falkoff, Town Council Candidate Caroline Bays, School Committee members John Portz and Guido Guidotti, the Watertown firefighters union – IAAF Local 1347, and chair of the Democratic Town Committee Steve Owens. The largest contribution was $500 from the Firefighters union.
Caroline Bays has raised $6,550 and spent $5,680.98 as of Oct. 30. She received donations of over $50 from more than 40 people. Some of those she received donations from are State Sen. Will Brownsberger, State Rep. Jonathan Hecht, District C Town Councilor Vincent Piccirilli, Councilor At-Large (and fellow candidate in this election) Tony Palomba, outgoing Councilor Susan Falkoff, chair of the Watertown Democratic Committee Steve Owens and School Committee member Guido Guidotti. The largest contributions of $350 came from Paul Donovan, a retired attorney.
Incumbent Michael Dattoli came in with $770.38 and raised $855, for a total of $1,625.38. He spent $1,243.44. He received donations of over $50 from 9 people, including District C Town Councilor Vincent Piccirilli and School Committee members John Portz and Guido Guidotti. His largest donation of $250 came from retiree Harry Parsekian.
David Stokes raised $645 and he spent $1,845.23. He had 13 people give over $50, including outgoing Town Councilor Susan Falkoff; School Committee members John Portz and Guido Guidotti; School Committee candidate Lindsay Mosca; and former School Committee member Chris Beach and his wife Rosemary. The biggest donors, at $100, were Guidotti, Anne Hammett and the Beaches.
Michelle Cokonougher raised $132 and spent $117 by Oct. 30. None of the donations were over $50, and her largest contribution was one she made to herself for $47. Others who donated to her include Libby Shaw and Maureen O’Sullivan, members of Trees for Watertown.
School Committee
The School Committee race did not have the magnitude of the Council race, but some the spending of some candidates went into the thousands.
Guido Guidotti spent $7,480.88 but had no donors.
Amy Donohue raised $3,785 and spent $3,632.38. Her donors include School Committee member John Portz, Town Councilor Ken Woodland, former Town Council President Pam Piantedosi and former Town Councilor Cecilia Lenk.
John Portz had $992.03 in his campaign fund and did not raise any money this year. He spent $584.38.
Michael Shepard had $60.72 in his fund and raised $132 for a total of $192.72. His biggest donor was resident Ed Scheinbart who gave $72. Shepard also spent $772.15 in his own money.
Liz Yusem had $450 remaining in her campaign fund, and did not raise money this year. She did not spend anything.
The campaign finance report was not available for Lily Rayman-Read.
See the Campaign Finance Reports on the Town Website by clicking here: http://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/Index/73
Thanks for comments on campaign finance. I am trying to keep anonymous comments that target people off the site. Most of the time points can be made without naming names, and if you are confident in your statement you can sign your name.
Hi, Charlie – I note that you mention my name and another under-$50 campaign donor’s name in this article, citing membership in Trees for Watertown. For the sake of completeness, several other donors you mention are also TFW members: Jonathan Hecht, Angie Kounelis, and Mark Sideris.
TFW is very grateful for these members’ long-term support of TFW’s work toward ensuring long-lived, healthy public shade trees in Watertown. We’re also very grateful for TFW member Michelle Cokonougher’s efforts toward achieving TFW’s goals, particularly her superlative research chops.
Healthy shade trees are indispensable, hardworking components of a well-managed city’s physical infrastructure. Shade trees cleanse the air, cool hardscape, filter stormwater, and beautify our city. We hope our new Council will wholeheartedly support citizen and municipal efforts to improve the health and lifetimes of public shade trees throughout Watertown, and in particular work toward adding healthy canopy to shade-poor neighborhoods.
Libby Shaw
President, Trees for Watertown