6 thoughts on “Watertown’s Peter Centola Named to Intercity Baseball League Hall of Fame

  1. Coach, from your very first Varsity MVP at UMB. This is a true honor that is well deserved. Back in 85 The one and only time I went to see a game you were playing in the Intercity league you took the first pitch deep for a Homer…. a great memory for me. Your the best and congrats. Hard work and dedication you always had. Now sit back and enjoy the acknowledgement of others. RICK GLYNN UMB 85

  2. Congratulations, Peter. I’ll bet some day Watertown is going to be recognizing your achievements here at the Recreation Dept. are equally impressive and deserving recognition.

  3. Congratulations Peter! You’ve accomplished so many things you’ve never mentioned over the years but that’s how you are! Not only were you unbelievable to watch play, but you also made every game and practice memorable. You’re the best!

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