7 thoughts on “Residents Worry About Impact of Changes to Watertown Square, Charles River Road

  1. I believe we need greater expertise on the Town Council and Planning Board to address reconfiguration of Watertown roadways in light of increased residential units on Arsenal Street. Some of the recommendations seem extravagant when simpler and more effective solutions can be implemented.

  2. Funneling all pass through traffic down Arsenal Street doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. Arsenal Street is already pretty busy, and it is going to get worst when the two apartment complexes currently being built – 600 units total – are rented, not to mention the development of Arsenal Yards. Let’s face it, we are an intregal part of the Boston Metro Area, pass through traffic is not going away. Charles River Road is a convient safety valve probably used mostly by residents, neighbors and local workers. Restricting it’s use will only exaberate Watertown traffic overall.

  3. Right now Charles River Road is the only road that is not always bogged down with traffic. I take it daily to get to and from my home because it is easy the easiest and most direct route for me to take to get almost anywhere in town. If that is closed off I will be trapped in my neighborhood unless I sit in traffic just to get a mile or two.
    Closing the only road that is currently the residents only saving grace is truly a bad idea and not in the towns best interests.

  4. I don’t believe eliminating the left turn only on the north side of the square is a good idea.
    If you make the other 2 lanes 1 straight and the other left you will jamb up the straight lane. If you combine one of the lanes with a left turn it will just hold up the non left hand turners in that lane. I think eliminating a lane for bike is not warranted for the future bike traffic. I believe the future bike traffic is being over estimated. Bikes should look for other ways to cross watertown square to newton. perhaps the new pedestrian bridge being built now.

  5. A pedestrian crosswalk over Watertown Square ,It would Eliminate the walk Signals at let traffic flow easily Through the square

  6. As a pedestrian crossing Watertown Square, at best is Difficult to maneuver.

    some of the walk signals take you halfway through and you have to wait for the second walk signal to activate ,before you can finish the second part of your walk .its very dangerous crossing 18 Wheel Tractor trailers go down arsenal street through the greenlight to Galen . while women with carriages wait in the middle of the street for the second walk like to activate .A pedestrian footbridge would be very expensive ,but it could solve a lot of problems of Traffic flow through the Square

    • Interesting idea. I have heard it before.

      I would think you would need two bridges – to get over the east-west traffic and the other to get over north-south.

      I have heard the obstacles are having a bridge high enough for trucks to go under and having enough space for a landing area. It would have to have room for a disabled access ramp.

      The town is studying the Square and taking comments here: watertownsquareimprovements.com/stay-in-touch/.

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