Lindsay Mosca
Lindsay Mosca announced she will be on the ballot for the two-year seat on the Watertown School Committee this fall.
The first candidate for the two-year School Committee seat has been certified to be on the ballot, and the first-time challenger has experience as a Watertown parent and as a teacher in another school system.
Lindsay Mosca will run for the School Committee seat being vacated by Candace Miller, who announced she will step down because she is leaving town. The two-year seat will be on the Town Election ballot in November, but will be separate from the four-year School Committee seats.
Mosca sent out the following information:
I have lived in Watertown with my husband, Justin, since 2005. Our two young children, Jennie and Jacob (5 and 7 years old), attend the Lowell Elementary School. I teach mathematics at Lexington High School, and my husband is an engineer at VHB in Watertown.
In my 12 years as a resident of Watertown, I have become increasingly involved in organizations around town. I am the social events coordinator for Watertown Youth Baseball and Girl’s Softball. I am also the Service Unit Coordinator for Watertown Girl Scouts, and I co-lead a Brownie Troop.
During the summer/fall of 2016, I served as a parent representative on the School Facilities Master Plan Steering Committee for Watertown. Along with members of the Town Council and School Committee, I contributed to the vision for the future of Watertown Public schools.
I have dedicated my professional career to excellence in public education, and I commit my time to investing in the Watertown community. I am a highly motivated parent who is ready to work towards continued progress and future improvement for Watertown Public Schools.
Watertown has a true gem in Lindsay Mosca. As a personal friend to the Mosca family, I can assure you she is going to wow you in this role. She is extremely bright and a mentor to our family with three young children. She is a wealth of knowledge, extremely caring, approachable and kind. Go Lindsay!