Bob Quinn
The Watertown Fire Department attended the graduation of fallen Firefighter Joe Toscano’s son Patrick, this week.
The Watertown Fire Department was well represented at Blue Hills Regional’s graduation this week where they congratulated Patrick Toscano, the son of their fallen brother, Joe.
Watertown Deputy Fire Chief Bob Quinn shared a photo on Facebook of the WFD contingent after the ceremony.
“We were honored to be there because Patrick Toscano was one of the graduates. We went because Joey T couldn’t. The Toscano’s will always be part of our family. Congratulations Patrick!” Quinn wrote.
The Toscanos have been honored by the Fire Department and the whole town in recent weeks. The Watertown Police Finish Strong 5K was dedicated to the memory of Joe, who died fighting a fire in March. On Memorial Day, the Toscanos marched with the Fire Department during Watertown’s annual parade.
A fund has been set up to assist Joe Toscano’s wife and five children. Donations can be sent to:
Toscano Fund
c/o Watertown Firefighters Relief Association
99 Main St.
Watertown, MA 02472