CDM Smith
An overhead view of the area proposed to be worked on in Phase II of the Victory Field Renovations.
After more than two and a half years, the discussion about how to renovate the track and courts area of Victory Field will begin once again.
The Ad Hoc Committee on Victory Field Renovations will meet on Wednesday, May 31 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber of Town Hall. The group is made up of two Town Councilors, two Town officials, and five residents representing the surrounding neighborhood and sports groups (see the members here).
The committee will discuss what is being called Phase II of the Victory Field renovation. The first phase was the installation of artificial turf on the football/baseball fields at the complex.
Artificial turf was among the reasons the first attempt to do Phase II stalled in October 2014. While many coaches and sports groups pushed for the grass inside of the track oval to be replaced with artificial turf, many others opposed the move. At the time, Town Council President Mark Sideris said that a group would be appointed to make recommendations on a design proposal to be submitted to the Town Council for consideration, with the stipulation that the field inside the track shall remain natural grass and not be artificial turf.
The renovation will cover many other parts at the field, including: track and field event facilities, parking, the tennis and basketball courts, lighting, stormwater drainage system, and walls and fences.
In a memo to the committee members, Town Council Vice President Vincent Piccirilli outlined the duties of the group.
“This committee will not be considering, or making any of the financial decisions that relate to the project. All financial issues will be decided by the full town council at a Public Hearing,” he wrote. “The design as it relates to the facility will be the issue discussed and presented to the council for their consideration before considering a loan order.”
Piccirilli proposed having seven meetings, with the following focuses:
Meeting 1: Swearing-in, reviewing the committee’s charge, reviewing the 2014 report, reviewing public input, and setting meeting dates.
Meeting 2: track and field facilities and the area inside the track.
Meeting 3: Parking and the tennis and basketball courts
Meeting 4: Lights and stormwater
Meeting 5: Other equipment, fixtures, landscaping, amenities, and issues not identified previously
Meeting 6: Review the information and come up with a draft report
Meeting 7: Approval of the final report
All meetings of the Victory Field Renovation Committee will be open to the public. The Town Clerk will swear in the members at the first meeting.
I am so happy to start the conversation once again about Phase II of Victory Field. Our student athletes deserve more than what we currently offer.
Who are you, “Concerned Parent,” who pops up now and then? Are you really a Watertown resident? Are you actually a special interest group pretending to be an individual parent? Do you work for the recreation department? Why are you afraid to reveal your identity? Watertown needs to hear from more people of conviction, who do not hide behind the mask of anonymity.
I think your wife, Elodia Thomas, summed up best my feelings on your comment. “This is the United States of America. People are allowed to hold different opinions on issues. It’s a very sad state of affairs when some people (like Bruce) need to diminish the efforts of a group of concerned parents and citizens and then, also act to publically(sp) and personally disparage them.”
People are allowed to post opinions anonymously on this page. I’d suggest if you don’t like the terms of use of this website you switch to another medium to post.
This is actually my first comment I have ever made on this website. That’s kind of funny that there are more than one person named “Concerned Parent” they might be on to something.
Why has it taken so long for this committee to meet? It’s inexcusable.
And why not bring back turf into the discussion since it’s been so long since this issue was no turf ruling was made?? I suggest nothing less than a full reset is in order.
Haven’t things changed greatly since 2014?? This is ridiculous.
A fresh set of eyes is needed along with a complete review of the needs of the student athletes, coaches, youth groups, residents, and neighbors.