LETTER: Council Should Consider CPA Committee Proposal from Citizens Group

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To the Editor:

With reference to the article in Watertown News dated 22 March 2017 entitled “Subcommittee debating who should be on the CPA Committee”, I recommend that all concerned attend the next meeting of the Rules and Ordinances Committee for a more thoroughgoing discussion.

At the above mentioned debate only the draft text presented by the committee chairman was distributed for public review. Another draft ordinance exists (see below), prepared by core members of the group who successfully promoted adoption of the Community Preservation Act in Watertown. Its text draws on concepts and practices that have proven effective in neighbor towns, with confirmation of best practices from the statewide Community Preservation Coalition.

With the benefit of more information and further discussion preparatory to the Committee’s next meeting, all those attending the session can expect to be constructive participants.


Patrick Fairbairn
Invest in Watertown member

2017 02 CPC Ordinance Draft to Town Council by Charlie Breitrose on Scribd

One thought on “LETTER: Council Should Consider CPA Committee Proposal from Citizens Group

  1. One would hope that all residents of Watertown would be involved(with multiple meetings) on the makeup of the group that will be recommending spending of the tax. Therefore, I would not want a group, that has one perspective, to be writing this document(which is the case here). I would want to see many different perspectives involved so that all concerns could be aired/discussed and the best possible result for an ordinance created. This way we(Watertown) can create an ordinance that all of Watertown would be able to get behind. I could not attend this meeting as I had a prior engagement and can not find the minutes. Will ask Kenny for them.

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