Watertown Chef to be Featured on Food Network Show This Week

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A Watertown chef showed off his cooking abilities on a Food Network show focusing on food to eat while watching football – just in time for the Super Bowl! 

Chef Mike Fucci traveled to California to be part of “Cutthroat Kitchen,” one of the network’s most popular shows, hosted by Alton Brown. The show will air Wednesday night at 8 p.m.

The name of the episode is “Fry-day Night Bites,” and Fucci and the other contestants had to make loaded nachos, fried chicken sandwiches, and an ice cream sandwich.

“It sounds simple for a chef to make, but when you are bombarded with challenges it is not as easy as it sounds,” Fucci said.

Fucci has been cooking in restaurants since he was a teen, starting when he worked working with his Uncle Mike.

Now Fucci runs Chef Mike’s Kitchen, a catering business based in Watertown (see more at his website www.chefmikeskitchen.com).

The invitation to be on the Food Network came out of the blue.

“I’ve never submitted an application, or called them. I got an email through my website, and I thought it was spam – I deleted it,” Fucci said.

Not long after he was friended by a woman on Instagram who was trying to contact him about being on TV.

“It ended up being the real deal. She was an executive producer with Food Network,” Fucci said. “She was in her office looking at some of my videos on my website.”

The network flew Fucci out to Studio City, near Los Angeles, and taped the show.

He hopes to get another chance to be on the show.

“I can’t wait to do it again,” Fucci said.

2 thoughts on “Watertown Chef to be Featured on Food Network Show This Week

  1. Congratulations, Mike! So wonderful to see our of talent getting a wider exposure. Nice to learn , too, of a new caterer I didn’t know about:-) Cheers!

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