The Toys for Tots box at H&K Insurance overflows with a record number of gifts.
H&K Insurance Agency is excited to announce another great Toys for Tots drive with more donations from the public than ever before!
H&K Insurance has been participating in Toys for Tots for the last ten years and continues to grow with each passing season. This year, through the support of their customers, partners, staff, and the local community, they were able to collect an astounding amount of 65 toys. A big contributor this year were individual donations from the public, more than any time in the past.
“We are thrilled to see our staff and the Watertown community unite as one to be a part of such an amazing program,” said Paul Perry, the Treasurer and General Manager of H&K. Paul and his wife, Daralyn, are big supporters of Toys for Tots and personally contribute to the cause each year. “We are so proud to be part of such a wonderful community. We hope they recognize their contributions have made such a difference to millions of children this holiday season.”
While H&K Insurance ended their Toys for Tots collection on December 4, you can still make a donation to this great cause by visiting their website at www.toysfortots.org. Of course, due to its continued success, H&K Insurance will certainly be bringing back another drop-off location next year.
H & K Insurance Agency Inc. has served as an independent insurance agency since 1961. Located on 182 Main Street in Watertown, MA, H & K’s network of financially strong insurance companies provide a full array of insurance products to meet the ordinary, as well as the extraordinary, needs of personal and business clients. To learn more about how H & K, visit them online at www.hkinsurance.com.