Frances DeSantis
A Funeral Home Service will be held in the MacDonald, Rockwell & MacDonald Funeral Home, Watertown on Thursday December 1, 2016 at 11 a.m. for Frances Loretta (DiGiacomandrea) DeSantis.
Mrs. DeSantis passed away on Sunday morning in the Briarwood Care, Needham, after a period of declining health. She was 92.
Born in Watertown, she was a lifelong resident. She attended Watertown schools. She was married to her husband John DeSantis in 1946.
She and her husband John owed three restaurants, Ruthann’s Dairy Dell in Manomet, J. and J. Char Broiler in Middleboro and Sisson’s Diner in Middleboro. Frances along with her brothers & sisters were hard workers.
Frances was most happy having lunch and shopping with her daughters.
She was the beloved wife of the late John DeSantis. Devoted mother of Ruthann White & her husband Richard and Teresa DeSantis both of Watertown. Dear sister to Nancy Sternberg of New Jersey, Anthony DiGiacomandrea of Watertown, Julia Ranno of Washington, Lucy Fagan of Watertown, Marie Doyle of Milford, NH, Lorraine Kelley of Maryland, Ruth Foley of Burlington, Jane Healey of Manomet, and the late Irene Anderson, Louis DiGiacomandrea & Jean DiAndrea. Caring aunt to several nieces & nephews.
A Funeral Service will be held on Thursday Dec. 1, 2016 at 11 a.m. in the MacDonald Rockwell & MacDonald Funeral Home at 270 Main St. Watertown. Relatives and friends kindly invited.
Visiting hours Wednesday from 3 to 7 p.m.
Interment St. Patrick Cemetery.