Lowell School
The entire student body and staff of Lowell School created a giant Peace sign in front of the school the day before Thanksgiving.
Lowell School took one of their core values and ran with it, creating a bit of a Facebook sensation.
The day before Thanksgiving, the school held a kindness assembly, said Lowell’s interim principal Phil Oates.
“It was facilitated by Eileen Donahue, our physical education teacher,” Oates said. “She taught the kids a rhyming kindness message that we all said together as a school.”
Donahue, who is also coach of the Watertown High School field hockey team, took photos of children doing acts of kindness and featured them during the presentation. She also introduced a reward system where teachers “try to catch students in the act of being kind,” Oates said.
With the timing of the assembly, right before Thanksgiving, the school decided to do something special, and got all 420 students and 80 staff on the lawn in front of the school to form a giant Peace sign.
They also created a time lapse video of them creating the peace sign, and posted it on Facebook. Nearly 32,000 have the photo and another 25,000 saw the video. View it here: