LETTER: Resident Urges Watertown Residents to Vote No on Question 5

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The CPA ballot question is a nasty trick designed to get Watertown residents to increase their taxes to pay for the pet projects of a handful of people.

Don’t be taken in by the sweet-talking proponents of the CPA to vote against your real interests.  VOTE NO ON 5!


Robert Shore
56 Marion Road

2 thoughts on “LETTER: Resident Urges Watertown Residents to Vote No on Question 5

  1. Nasty trick? Please. Pet projects of a handful of people? Just say that you don’t want to pay the 2% and stop denigrating your neighbors who are good people who you simply disagree with.

    I believe that CPA projects would do good for the whole town. But if you don’t want to pay the money, just say so. No need to question the motives of others.

  2. I agree. I will fund the schools as it is a necessity. However; I will Vote NO on Question 5 as it is for nice to have’s. The only one of the 3 that are not nice to have is affordable but for the life or me I cannot understand how raising the taxes and making it more expensive to live in Watertown helps to make it more affordable. VOTE NO ON QUESTION 5.

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