A view of the proposed new Arsenal Mall looking west down Arsenal Street. The building on the left now houses Old Navy but is proposed to have a movie theater. Further down the road are some of the new buildings that would have retail on the ground floor and housing on top.
The long awaited plans for the renovation of the Arsenal Mall will be presented to the Watertown Planning Board on Thursday night at 7 p.m. in Town Hall.
While the master plan will be presented by developers from Boyslton Properties, Planning Board Chairman John Hawes said the staff report will not be completed by Thursday. The Planning Department’s report will presented at a future Planning Board meeting and a vote can happen then.
There will be opportunity for the public to comment on the plans, said Assistant Town Manager Steve Magoon.
Because the project sits in the recently created Regional Mixed Use District (RMUD) the Planning Board gives the final approval for the master pan. Most projects need approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The owners of the Arsenal Project have plans to add several buildings, most with retail on the ground floor and housing on top. There is also a proposal for a 12-story apartment building.
Other features proposed include a movie theater, a market and a bowling alley.
Some of the current mall will be torn down, but the historic, long buildings that were part of the Watertown Arsenal will remain.
Architectural drawings and some renderings of what the new mall will look like can be seen on the town’s website (click here). A detailed narrative of the project can be seen here.
See all the documents related to the Arsenal Mall project by going here: http://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/Index/984
Here is some previous coverage of the Arsenal Mall renovations:
New Mall Entrance, Paths Could be Included in Arsenal Mall Renovation
Changes to Arsenal Park Could Result from Renovation of Arsenal Mall
Future of Arsenal Mall Comes Into Focus on Tour of Site
One Tall Building in Plan for Arsenal Mall; Some Worry About Park Next Door
Arsenal Mall Owners Reveal Some Visions for Revamping Their Property