Committee Named to Discuss Renovation of Track Area at Victory Field

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Town Council President Mark Sideris named a nine-member committee to examine the renovation of the track and courts area at Victory Field in Watertown. 

The committee will make recommendations on the renovation of the athletic and recreation complex on Orchard Street, with one caveat, Sideris said. The field in the center of the track must remain natural grass, he said, because that was the most controversial part of the first proposal to renovate the area two years ago.

The meetings of the Victory Field Ad Hoc Committee will be open to the public.

The committee members are:

• District C Town Councilor Vinnie Piccirilli, chair 0f the Victory Field Committee

• Councilor At-Large and chair of the Human Services Committee Tony Palomba, vice chair of the committee

• Director 0f Recreation Peter Centola

• Watertown High School Athletic Director Mike Lahiff

• Community Development & Planning Director Steve Magoon or someone he appoints

• Watertown Youth Soccer President Mark Leonard

• Resident and abutter Elodia Thomas

• Resident Elliot Friedman

• Resident Ann Marie Korte

2 thoughts on “Committee Named to Discuss Renovation of Track Area at Victory Field

  1. Can you publish when the meetings will be as I’m assuming they will be open meetings that others can attend and listen?

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