Woman Followed by Strange Man While Running Through Watertown

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Photo by Alejandro Mejía Greene/JubiloHaku via Flickr Creative Commons

Emergency Police lights

A woman reported being followed by a stranger on her run around Watertown, and he approached her two separate times, according to police.

A couple driving through Coolidge Square stopped a police officer and a 35-year-old woman told the officer she was followed by a man just about 15 minutes earlier, said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor.

“She was out on Aug. 25 about 6:30 p.m. running down Common Street toward Watertown Square,” O’Connor said. “She got the feeling she was being followed and she stopped and turned around and saw the same man stopping and starting to walk.”

She ran to Summer Street and when she got to the corner of Mt. Auburn Street she was approached by the man.

“He got in her personal space and asked her, ‘Can I ask you something,?'” O’Connor said. “She said, ‘No, I’m running.'”

The man walked away at that point, and the woman ran east on Mt. Auburn Street.

“When she got to the Hosmer School the same person tapped her on the the shoulder,” O’Connor said. “She was alarmed. He asked two more times could she ask her something. She said she was going to call 911.”

The man then walked away and she did not see him again.

The suspect is described as a light-skinned Hispanic male, skinny, 6 feet tall, with brown eyes, and the hair on the top of his head was described as “fluffy and curly,” O’Connor said.

If anyone has seen this man, or has information about the event, contact the Watertown Police at 617-972-6500.

6 thoughts on “Woman Followed by Strange Man While Running Through Watertown

  1. There is a free phone app called on camera. Just click it on and point it at the suspect. It will video tape the person while a police officer tells them to back away, or else. You will then have a video of them to report to the police.

  2. This isn’t news, it isn’t even a crime. The guy politely asked her if he could ask her something. You can’t talk to people now? This lady needs to get over herself.

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