A screenshot of the petition asking for a vote of no confidence for Superintendent Jean Fitzgerald.
A group of Watertown parents have started a petition asking for the School Committee to take a vote of no confidence for Watertown Superintendent Jean Fitzgerald.
The petition, which would also be sent to the Town Council, was started on Change.org, and as of 5:45 p.m. had 20 supporters.
The first paragraph of the lengthy petition reads:
“We, the undersigned Parents of children who are attending or have attended Watertown Public Schools, and community members who share similar concerns, have composed this letter to express our dissatisfaction with the current superintendent, Jean Fitzgerald.”
The organizers, who were not named in the petition, wrote that “it is the petitioner’s’ position that the Superintendent has acted inefficiently, incompetently, and with conduct unbecoming of a Superintendent.” This, the petition says, is enough to terminate and dismiss Fitzgerald under her contract.
Among the specific complaints is that Fitzgerald has not worked collaboratively with parents and staff, and made decisions without input from these groups.
The lack of a satisfactory solution of overcrowding in Watertown’s elementary schools, particularly at Cunniff School, was also pointed to as a reason for the petition.
See the whole petition here: https://www.change.org/p/watertown-school-committee-vote-of-no-confidence-for-the-superintendent-of-the-watertown-public-schools