Brian Tildsley
Sophomore Mia Ramos of Watertown was named a Student of the Term at Minuteman High School. She is shown here with her English Instructor Kevin Sheerin and Principal Jack Dillon.
Minuteman High School in Lexington announced the four outstanding students as Students of the Term for Term 3 of school year 2015-2016: freshman Fae Eisenheim of Arlington, sophomore Mia Ramos of Watertown, junior Alexander Gonzalez of Watertown and senior Andrew Battcock of Billerica.
This honor is awarded to one student from each grade level based upon nominations from teachers. The criteria include academic achievement and good citizenship, according to Assistant Principal Brian Tildsley.
All four attended a luncheon in their honor at the Fife & Drum Restaurant at Minuteman recently and were given certificates in recognition of their achievement.
Fae Eisenheim “is an overall great student, teammate and friend,” said Nichole Devereaux, her math instructor and basketball coach. Citing Fae’s industriousness, upbeat attitude, dedication and leadership skills, Ms. Devereaux lauds her as “a role model for all students.” One of Fae’s other teachers, Ashley Pisapia, noted her devotion to her family and ability to balance time for schoolwork with involvement in sports including soccer, basketball, and currently, tennis. Fae is concentrating in Horticulture/Landscape Technology at Minuteman and plans to attend a four-year college.
Mia Ramos was commended by her English teacher, Kevin Sheerin, for having exceptional grades in his class for two consecutive years. “She is a tremendous student,” he said, noting that although she is one of the few girls in Minuteman’s Carpentry program, she holds her own and “does exceptionally well.” Mia’s optimistic attitude and outgoing demeanor were also praised by Mr. Sheerin. Her favorite academic subject is mathematics, she enjoys camping and running, and she hopes to attend the Wentworth Institute of Technology.
Mia’s goal is to be a carpenter and own her own business.

Brian Tildsley
Junior Alexander Gonzalez of Watertown was named student of the term at Minuteman High School. Here he is pictured with his science Instructor Nina Griffin and Principal Jack Dillon.
Alexander Gonzalez is, in the words of his science teacher, Nina Griffin, a “mature, polite and intelligent young man” who is a role model for his fellow students. He gladly reaches out to classmates who need some assistance with their schoolwork and always takes pride in doing so. Alexander shows leadership qualities, coming to the forefront in group situations “and making sure that everyone has a chance to be involved,” Ms. Griffin observed. He is an exemplary student.
Alexander’s favorite academic subject is mathematics, he participates in soccer and basketball at Minuteman, and in his spare time, he likes watching boxing, playing basketball pick-up games, and playing with his two-year-old nephew. He is in Minuteman’s Culinary Arts program and wants to start a restaurant with his brother.
Andrew Battcock has “constantly been a courteous, dependable, meticulous and diligent student,” said his Telecommunications instructor, Richard Caruso. “I am proud of him for the level of work he has accomplished at Minuteman.” A conscientious student who works hard and does well, Andrew likes pitching in to help with Freshman Exploratory and Shadowing Day. He plans to attend either Bunker Hill Community College or Middlesex Community College and enroll in the Eversource/National Grid Electric Power & Utility Program.
Andrew’s hobbies include playing video games and watching TV.
Minuteman is an award-winning regional high school that integrates robust academic and career & technical learning to deliver a revolutionary competitive advantage. The school serves a diverse student body with multiple learning styles, expanding opportunities for college and career success. As an accredited member of the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC), Minuteman challenges all students to aspire to their full potential, accelerate their learning, and achieve success in the 21st century global community.