Concerned Citizens Assoc. Hosting Forum on Watertown Property Rights

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The Concerned Watertown Citizens Association will be hosting its Third Open Forum Meeting at 7 p.m., on May 12 at the Library, announced President John Labadini.

The group sent out the following information:

Please-Spread the word and help educate your fellow citizens on what’s being proposed in their town. We will be reviewing and discussing the following facts:

1. The Town is considering implementing “Residential Guidelines” that could become “Mandates” (ie. new ordinances) as well as extending the Demolition Delay Ordinance from 12 to 24 months.

2. If adopted, these proposals could dramatically affect what you can and can’t do to YOUR property in a whole number of ways;

3. Some of the proposed recommendations include the Town having control over the type of siding, landscaping and/or the style and type of additions you can build on your house. (ie. like add a dormer or addition to YOUR home.)

4. Other fiscally related initiatives like the CPA tax (if time allows).

We hope to see as many residents as possible on May 12th!

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