7 thoughts on “Schools Looking at Modular Classrooms, Crowding Still Concerns Parents

  1. Maybe it’s time to get a new superintendent. What has she been doing? This problem just came up? I find that real hard to believe. Blaming it on the condos. What a joke. Time to hire a superintendent who was raised in Watertown, understands the people and has an investment in this town other than collecting a pay check and pension. Hiring a stiff out of Western Mass isn’t working. This is what happens when you give people too much power. The town manager has no power over this administration or the joke school committee. Thank god my kids have graduated. This is despicable.

  2. I believe Jean Fitzgerald is from Watertown. Problem is that NO ONE wants to lead a public school system. Between the squabbling school committees, unions that care more about their prerogatives and families that spill their internal problems onto the schools, it is a thankless job to be a superintendent. Why do you think there is so much movement among top school officials here in the Commonwealth?

  3. I am sorry but shame on Ms. Fitzgerald and the school committee for letting it come to this. I spit water out of my mouth at the the feigned ignorance/outrage by Eileen Hsu-Balzer a few months back. If you were tuned into the community we would not be scrambling for space and please don’t tell me that except for a few class sizes there is space. When you have to turn a teacher lounge and a closet into classrooms, that should have been a clue.

  4. Hsu Balzer has long been part of the problem. 20 years on the school committee and a lengthy tenure as chair. What does she have to show? I find her totally clueless. And Fitzgerald, c’mon, I said this before, she is trying to get OUT of Watertown, has been for 3 years!

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