Watertown Boys & Girls Club Seeks Donations, Sponsors for Annual Auction

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The Watertown Boys & Girls Club will host its annual auction to raise money for its programs that serve Watertown’s youth. Organizers are selling tickets, and also are seeking donations and sponsors.

The Boys and Girls Club sent out the following information:

For more than 40 years, the Watertown Boys & Girls Club has provided the youth of our community with safe and fun afterschool and summer programming. As we strive to widen and deepen our impact in the community, your support is critical to our success.

The Annual Spring Auction, to be held on Thursday, May 5, 2016 at the Oakley Country Club, helps raise crucial funds to support our mission, “to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.”

There are a number of ways to support our work through this event. You may elect to become a corporate or table top sponsorship, take out an Ad in the Ad Book, donate an auction item or attend the event and bid on a few auction items!

The Annual Spring Auction is an opportunity for all of our friends and sponsors to show their support and celebrate their role in helping our youth achieve positive outcomes in the areas of Healthy Living, Academic Success and Character Development.

Please consider helping us today by participating in this vital fundraising event for our Club. Your support will ensure GREAT FUTURES START HERE, at the Watertown Boys & Girls Club! Please contact the Club if you have any questions or need us to pick up an item from you.

There are a number of ways to support our work through this event.

Donate an Auction Item and support academic success through our Power Hour program.

Attend the Event and provide 2 children with a safe place to go after school for one year.

Take out an Ad in our Program Book and give 25 second and third-graders the chance to play on our Biddy Basketball League.

Become a Tabletop Sponsor and allow 50 members to discover their creative side with Intro to Theater.

Become a Corporate Sponsor and help 125 teens prepare for the future with Career Launch.

Click here to purchase tickets or to become a sponsor. For more information go to watertownbgc.org or call 617-926-0968.

2 thoughts on “Watertown Boys & Girls Club Seeks Donations, Sponsors for Annual Auction

  1. Hi
    Could they give us an idea of the types of items they are interested in so as a residents (vs. businesses) we might be able to find something helpful to contribute?
    I was not able to find any guidance on their website.
    Thank you

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