Jake Roche
Watertown High School students will bring Fiddler on the Roof to the stage March 17-19.
Whether you have plans or not this weekend, try to make some room on your schedule to come and see Watertown High School’s version of “Fiddler on the Roof.”
Come watch the troubling love story between a daughter and her father who doesn’t exactly accept her love for what it really is, just because the man is less fortunate! Can you imagine if we weren’t allowed to marry whoever we wanted to marry? Well come and see the show!
The Watertown High School Theatre students are putting together a production of the musical Fiddler on the Roof at Watertown High School on March 17, 18, and 19.
The students have been working since the end of December right before Winter Break. The faculty running the show consists of Beth Peters who is the head of the show, Dan Wulf who is on the piano and running the full orchestra, and Meghan Riling who is in charge of the choreography.
“The students have been preparing very hard for the show,” said Peters. “Especially by rehearsing their individual parts and also by working together as an ensemble, because almost the entire musical has the whole cast on stage the entire time. I definitely can say that they are ready.
“With two weeks before the show, they already knew all of their lines which doesn’t usually happen at that time. They are all really passionate about their parts and are ready to give out their best performance for the audience.”

Jake Roche
Catch the romance of Fiddler on the Roof this weekend at Watertown High School.
Throughout these past couple of months they have worked very hard with practicing their lines, getting to know their songs, and also becoming familiar with their staging. Throughout hours and hours being spent on rehearsal, after school and even on weekends, the theatre crew is now officially ready to give their best performance.
“I am the lead role Tevye, a father of five daughters,” says Daniel Carito, as he takes on the lead role of Fiddler on the Roof. “I am a poor milkman who is very happy but can be very stubborn at times also. Connecting with my character, I would say that we are both traditional human beings and we want our families to continue being the same.
“I’m not old but I can be stingy at times. Also we are both funny and overall we really just want the best for our families.”

Jake Roche
Watertown High School students take a break from preparing for the spring musical, Fiddler on the Roof.
The tech team is being run by Watertown High students with the help of former student Chris Chobar. And the set is being built by Wood teacher Mark Boudreau with support from his students also.
Y0u can catch Fiddler on the Roof this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7 p.m. at Watertown High School, 50 Columbia St. in Watertown. Tickets cost $10 at the door. For further information you may call the school at 617-926-7760 or visit the school’s website (www.watertown.k12.ma.us).