3 thoughts on “LETTER: Resident Backs Library’s Decision to Host Autism Event

  1. I welcome everyone to attend. My daughter will be in attendance. She was diagnosed with moderate severe autism 2.5 years of age. Thanks to TACA and Dr. Theo my daughter is no longer in the moderate to severe range on the autism spectrum. If you chose to protest please do your due diligence before attending. It is an opportunity to become informed and educated. 1 in 45 children in our country are on the autism spectrum. 1 in 17 grandparents have a grandchild on the autism spectrum in our country. If we aren’t informed the research out of Stanford indicates half to a trillion dollars per year by 2025 will come out of our national budget yes the tax payers will pay for autism.

  2. Kudos to the library for looking at what TACA offers more closely. Ms. Cotton should only concern herself with the welfare of her own children. I don’t need her to parent mine. TACA helps families in so many ways and for Ms. Cotton to focus solely on one area which she does not agree is a disservice to the very community that she supposedly is advocating for. You should stay home tomorrow, Ms. Cotton. It’s Saturday. Why on earth you want to go make trouble for families who do not agree with you is beyond me. Your kids need you home and not at the library causing trouble because of some warped agenda you have. The people you are going to the library to argue with are parents dealing with autism. They are not “selling”anything, the do not profit in anyway, they are just volunteers. Get off the phone, stop making flyers, shut down your computer and focus on your own children. They need your help.

  3. I’m surprised Ms. Tierney edited the email she sent to me which makes it far more ambiguous. It doesn’t state very clearly that she is one of the library trustees.

    I am not concerned with the individual perspectives of people who disagree with me. That is their right.

    Again, I urge any parents of children on the spectrum– especially recently diagnosed children whose parents are seeking a direction to go in for support– to utilize the available proven science and understanding of autism before falling too quickly into thinking that there is a powerful and under-utilized food- and supplement-driven treatment plan that will “fix” autism. There is not. There are, however, some fabulous support networks available in Watertown, such as our SEPAC and Watertown Autism Family Support Group. I feel very confident in my position, having the backing of medical science on these issues, and hate only to see parents who need a lifeline get misled by false promises. (And individually, for any families who are looking for help, contact me via Facebook and I’m happy to help connect you with the resources I’m familiar with.)

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