On March 1, Democrats in Watertown will elect a new representative to the Democratic State Committee. I’m enthusiastically supporting Steve Owens.
Steve is one of the savviest and hardest working people in Democratic politics in Massachusetts today and will make a huge contribution to the State Committee.
Steve has led our Democratic Town Committee since 2008. One of his earliest challenges as chair was navigating the aftermath of former Representative Rachel Kaprielian’s sudden resignation from her State Rep. seat. It would have been tempting, expedient, and legal to fill the seat by an internal caucus vote, but Steve insisted on an open, contested primary.
As a candidate in that race, I can tell you that made for a grueling campaign (we all had to run as write-in candidates). But Steve was right to put the choice into the hands of Democratic Party voters. The result was an energized party that has time and again turned out strong majorities in our district for progressive Democrats up and down the ballot.
From this and many other experiences with Steve, I know he will bring to the State Committee both commitment and know-how when it comes to outreach, participation, and grassroots organizing. With the 2016 Presidential election underway and the 2018 statewide contests not far behind, we need Steve’s ideas and experience on the State Committee.
I hope you will join me in voting for Steve on March 1.
State Representative Jon Hecht
Russell Avenue