LETTER: Local GOP Committee Endorses Steve Aylward for State Committee

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The Watertown Republican Town Committee is pleased to announce that it has unanimously endorsed Steven Aylward for re-election as Republican State Committeeman in the 2nd Suffolk and Middlesex State Senate District.

In his first term Steve recruited 2 candidates to run for State Representative and finding no candidate to run for State Senate he ran himself in 2012. That was the first time in decades that our Senate district had 3 legislative candidates on the ballot simultaneously. In addition he recruited candidates for School Committee in both Watertown and Belmont.

Perhaps the most important accomplishment was saving the taxpayers of Massachusetts billions of dollars by leading the effort to repeal the Automatic Gas Tax increases. As Chairman of the Tank Gas Tax campaign (Question 1 on the 2014 ballot), Steve masterminded a campaign that was almost 100 percent volunteer. With a budget of $90,000 and outspent 31 to 1 by special interest groups, Steve put together a winning strategy that garnered more votes that Governor Charlie Baker. Baker, readily admitted that Question 1 (Tank the Gas Tax) played a major role in getting out the vote that helped him win the “Corner Office.”

As a first-term State Committeeman, quickly took on a leadership role. He fought and won the fight to reform the way delegates are chosen for the Republican National Convention. In so doing, he preserved the right of the grassroots activists to participate in caucuses. This prevented an Establishment power-play by party elite and big donors to become the only voices representing Massachusetts at our National Convention. In addition he chaired the Technology Committee, whose work led to a new voter data system that was crucial in getting out the vote in 2014.

The Watertown RTC is not alone in endorsing Aylward. He’s also been endorsed by the Belmont and Brighton Committees. Finally, Steve Aylward also has the support of reform minded State Legislators like Jim Lyons who exposed the State spending on illegal aliens – Shaunna O’Connell, who led the effort to reform EBT abuse – and Geoff Diehl, who together with Steve Aylward ran the effort to repeal the automatic tax increases in the gas tax.

The Watertown Republican Town Committee, therefore urges all Republicans and any independent voter pulling a Republican ballot on March 1st, to vote for Steve Aylward for Republican State Committeeman.

John DiMascio
Watertown Republican Town Committee

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