4 thoughts on “Cunniff School Taking Drastic Measures to Relieve Crowded Classrooms

  1. When Windsor Village was built in Waltham, we were told there would not be any impact on the schools as most units were one or two bedrooms. After about five years, Northeast Elementary had to have one school bus just for Windsor Village. To think all the new units will not impact the schools is naive.

  2. This is a direct result of overbuilding. Where did we think these new children would end up? And yet we are still building…
    What’s the plan? Can’t be something 3-10 years out. We need resolution for our children NOW.

  3. Why not move the school administration offices to the old police station and use the uppers floors the Phillips school for students? Perhaps have all the 5th graders there as a transition to the middle school? Or pre-k – kindergarden there, as there is a playground at the senior center they can use.

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