Wednesday, Oct. 28, will be Watertown Walks Day, an effort to encourage people to walk and to promote awareness of safe routes to school.
Community Safe Routes to School sent out the following announcement:
The event is Watertown’s 5th Annual Watertown Walks Day, and all members of the Watertown community have a unique opportunity to participate in a town-wide Walk/Ride celebration in the 5th annual Walk & Ride Day event.
The goals of the Safe Routes to School program are:
- To get children and adults more physically active by walking to and from school
- To make it safer for children and adults to walk in neighborhoods
- To educate children on pedestrian and bicycle safety
- To reduce traffic in our Watertown neighborhoods and around the school
- To help prevent crime by getting more people outside keeping an eye on the neighborhood
- To encourage neighbors to get to know one another
- To improve the environment by reducing the number of trips in cars
Walking Wednesdays will continue on Wednesdays until the end of the year, but if you can’t walk on Wednesdays, we also encourage Marching Mondays, Trekking Tuesdays, Thundering Thursdays, and Footloose Fridays, so you won’t miss out on the fun! We encourage all Watertown families to participate in the Community Safe Routes to School program. If you are unable to walk all of the way to school for some reason, try parking a few blocks away and walk the rest. Reminder: PLEASE drive slowly in all school areas during school hours!
Please note: if parents/caregivers are unable to walk the entire way to school, please park a few blocks away from school and walk the rest of the way. All elementary school students will receive special stickers and bookmarks for participating in “Watertown Walks Day” events. If you have any questions about CSRTS initiatives or would like to join or start a Walking School Bus in your neighborhood, please contact the Watertown CSRTS Program Coordinator, Jeannette by email: Thanks!