Charlie Breitrose
An MBTA bus in Watertown.
The Mass. Department of Transportation (MassDOT) began looking at ways to improve the Arsenal Street Corridor with a stakeholder meeting last week.
Working with Watertown-based engineering firm, VHB, MassDOT will evaluate existing and future multimodal transportation conditions along the Arsenal Street corridor in Watertown and also regionally, according to Town Councilor Cecilia Lenk, who attended the first meeting.
The study will develop alternatives to improve transportation conditions with a primary focus on the bus service along Arsenal Street. Transportation alternatives will also be examined and evaluated, Lenk added.
The project will be done over the next 18 months and will attempt to forecast needs for the corridor in the next 20 years.
There will be public meetings during the study. Find out more about the Arsenal Street Corridor study at the project website by clicking here.
The goals of the study are:
- Improve mobility and traffic flow
- Enhance safety
- Improve accessibility and connectivity for all modes
- Meet transportation goals while supporting economic development and improving quality of life
- Meet transportation goals while minimizing impacts to the environment
- Develop a range of multi-modal recommendations that support ongoing changes and have lasting benefits
- Encourage consensus through an open and inclusive process
- Develop recommendations that target demonstrated needs
See details of the goals by clicking here.
You can send your comments for the study to Michael Clark, who is the contact for the Arsenal Street Corridor Transportation Study for MDOT, who can be reached by email at michael.clark@state.ma.us.