Will Pennington
District B candidate Lisa Feltner smiles after receiving the most votes in Thursday’s Preliminary election, as Councilor at large candidate Michael Dattoli looks on.
Challenger Lisa Feltner and incumbent Cecilia came out as the winners of Thursday’s Preliminary Election for District B Town Councilor.
With 343 votes, Feltner came out on top, more than 100 votes ahead of Lenk’s 228 votes. As the top two in the preliminary, both secured spots on the Nov. 3 Town Election.
Watertown Firefighter Kevin MacDonald came in 33 votes behind Lenk. His 195 votes put him third in Thursday’s election, and Patty van Dinter had 25 votes.
Feltner said she felt great after seeing the final tabs from the election.
“I am happy and shocked at the same time,” she said.
Felther spent a lot of time walking around the district talking to voters, and said she went to every street in the district.
The preliminary election had a turnout of 14.5 percent, or 794 of 5,494 registered voters in District B casting ballots. Voters will have plenty of races to choose from in November with all but one race contested.
Only District D has a candidate running unopposed, after Bob McCarthy withdrew from the race. Incumbent Ken Woodland will be the only name appearing on the ballot.