District B Candidate Patricia van Dinter
Patricia van Dinter is running for District B Town Councilor. The Preliminary Election is on Thursday, Sept. 17.
Why did you decide to run for District B Town Councilor, is there an issue that drew you in?
I decided to run for District B Town Councilor because of all the sudden development being done on this side of town. After talking with neighbors and friends, I realized a lot of residents were worried about all the changes and most felt like they did not have a voice. I thought I could be that voice.
What is an issue or initiative you think is important to specifically to District B?
All the sudden development is a big concern. Is the town really ready to grow so fast? Do we have the needed infrastructure in place to handle the increase in population and traffic? We have roads in need of repair, there are issues with parking already in town, can the emergency personal handle more calls, can our school system handle large growth? These are serious concerns.
What is your profession or main focus?
My main focus during this election is responsible growth of the town while at the same time maintaining the family neighborhood feel it currently has.
Do you have a family? If so tell us about them.
I am married to a wonderful man, with whom I will be celebrating our 18th anniversary with in October. Wil is very dedicated to his profession as Public Health Nurse and recently completed his Masters in Nursing. We have a parakeet, 3 cats and a dog.
What town wide issue do you feel is the most important?
Our fire department has been without a contract for over 6 years. I am concerned that we went through an arbitration process and yet we still do not have a contract finalized with the fire department. Why did we get an arbitrator and have talks if the outcome wasn’t agreeable to the town management? This needs to be resolved
What experience do you have that would be useful as a Town Councilor?
I work in the IT field and help people daily with things they need or want to be able to do. I also do a lot of charity work and I work well with people. I am good at listening and finding solutions that work well for everyone.
What is something that people may not know about you?
I moved to Watertown when I was in 8th grade and graduated from Watertown High. I am proud to say I am the 3rd generation in my family to live in my home. I have always loved living in Watertown.