LETTER: Resident Wants Ban on Any Controversial Flag From Public Spaces

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To The Editor:

Recent events indicate that certain flags can divide a community in unsettling ways, to the point where we now have some people in the South ripping small flags from other vehicles, which of course does not help the overall situation.

Regarding this, I would suggest the Town Council establishing a town ordinance that would prohibit the public display of any flag on public buildings, bridges, schools, parks, etc., that could be considered controversial, or offensive to any persons or group, such as a Confederate flag, the Gay rainbow flag, religious or political flags, and the flag of any country that may be at war with the USA.

This ordinance could eliminate future problems that lately seem to be around every corner and on every news broadcast. Of course this would have no bearing on what citizens display on their own property. A flag should help bring people together, and not divide them.


Ralph Filicchia
Watertown Resident

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