Watertown Man Busted for Indecently Touching Young Girl at Pool

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Photo by Alejandro Mejía Greene/JubiloHaku via Flickr Creative Commons

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Waltham Police arrested a Watertown man after he allegedly indecently touched an 11-year-old girl at a state pool. 

Victor Lopez, 37, of Watertown, was charged with indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, according to a report by WCVB Channel 5 News. Lopez, who is a Guatemalan citizen, was also forced to give up his passport.

The incident occurred Saturday at the Connors Memorial Swimming Pool in Waltham. The girl told her mother that a man grabbed her in her “privates,” according to the WCVB report.

A Watertown man was charged with indecently assaulting an 11-year-old girl at a state swimming pool in Waltham Saturday.

Lopez will be arraigned Monday at Waltham District Court. His bail was set at $300, according to WCVB.


“It’s disgusting, it really is disgusting,” the girl’s mother said. “A $300 bail after touching a child, it’s nasty.”

NewsCenter 5 and WCVB.com do not identify victims of sexual assault.

See the whole WCVB report by clicking here.

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