Watertown High School Senior Earns College Scholarship

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MIT Credit Union

Watertown High School senior Eric Furtado got a financial boost for college from a local bank.

To support members investing in their education, and in honor of former staff and volunteers, MIT Federal Credit Union awarded $1,000 Memorial Scholarships to accomplished students at their recent 75th Anniversary Celebration, held in conjunction with the Annual Business Meeting on April 21, 2015, according to the announcement from the bank. Recipients were selected based on essay content, grades, financial need and extracurricular & community activities.

“We take pride in supporting a variety of communities at MIT, including young people investing in their education,” said MITFCU President/CEO Brian Ducharme. “In its ninth year it continues to be an honor to learn of these students’ accomplishments and present them with their awards at our Annual Meeting.”

One of the Memorial Scholarship recipients is Eric Furtado from Watertown. Mr. Furtado is currently finishing his senior year at Watertown High School and plans to attend Sacred Heart University in Fall 2015.

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