Household Hazardous Waste Collection Easier This Year, Starts Saturday

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The process has become easier for Watertown residents to dispose of items such as garden chemicals, motor oil and other automotive fluids, kitchen cleaners and other household hazardous waste.

Disposing of household hazardous waste is free and Watertown residents no longer have to pre-register – just bring proof of residency.

The town sent the following announcement and the first disposal day will be Saturday, April 18 in Lexington:

The Town of Watertown is pleased to announce the 2015 schedule for collection of Household Hazardous Waste Products. As in the past years, the collection will take place at the Minuteman Household Hazardous Products Facility at 60 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the following dates (which are Saturdays unless otherwise indicated):

  • April 18th
  • May 16th
  • June 20th
  • July 18th
  • August 15th
  • September 13th (this is a SUNDAY)
  • October 17th
  • November 7th

This event is free of charge to Watertown residents. Advanced registration is NO LONGER required; Watertown residents must bring identification or proof of Watertown residency to participate in a collection event. Certain materials are not accepted as household hazardous waste at the event.

Please view the list of acceptable and unacceptable materials on the Health Department website at

Please remember these safety tips: ensure waste containers are secured for transport; never mix chemicals; store different items in different boxes; always leave materials in their original containers; and do not smoke while handling or transporting materials Please contact the Watertown Health Department at 617-972-6446 with any questions.

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