Marathon Legend Dick Hoyt Speaking at Watertown Special Ed Awards Event

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Dick Hoyt, who teamed up with his son Rick to form Team Hoyt, will speak at a Watertown Special Education event on April 9.

Dick Hoyt, who teamed up with his son Rick to form Team Hoyt, will speak at a Watertown Special Education event on April 9.

Dick Hoyt, who teamed up with his son Rick to form Team Hoyt, will speak at a Watertown Special Education event on April 9.

Boston Marathon fixture Dick Hoyt will be the key note speaker at an event that honors those who have contributed to the education of special education students in Watertown.

Dick and his son Rick joined to form Team Hoyt. Dick pushes Rick in his wheel chair and the pair has run more than 1,000 races since 1977, including many Boston Marathons.

Hoyt will speak at the 2015 Watertown SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) Awards on April 9 at 6:15 p.m. at the Hosmer Elementary School Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public. PDP’s available.

This year’s special presenter is  who is Rachel Kaprielian, a former Watertown State Rep., Registrar of Motor Vehicles and Labor and Workforce Development Secretary.

This year’s SEPAC award winners are:

  • Brian Connors, Behavior Specialist Lowell School
  • Erin Condon, Guidance Councilor Hosmer School
  • Dena Diminico Taylor, Assistant Director Sharper Edge Skating School
  • Valerie Knell, Instructional Assistance Early Steps Pre-School
  • Amy Magill, Connections Room Teacher Middle School
  • Lisa Wall, Receptionist Hosmer School
  • And the Marilyn Micco Parent Award will go to Christine McNicholas.

One thought on “Marathon Legend Dick Hoyt Speaking at Watertown Special Ed Awards Event

  1. Yes I know Dick and Rick Hoyt, been following them for years. I finally got the priviledge to meet them in 2012. Then Dick and Kathy came to The Neighborhood Club in Quincy. I invited George Burke, he accepted and since I have never drove. He picked me up and brought me home also bought a couple of books for me. He was glad that I invited him, because he had been following them in the news. Dick is remarkable father, so isn’t Rick he beet what the doctors said about him, that he’d be a vegetable. Dick is still trying to figure what kind of vegetable he is. To watch them do the Marathon so long, is exciting. I recently fractured my hip. So I don’t know where Watertown is? I do know of Marathon, that’s where they found the person who “was responsible” for the bombing of the Marathon in 2013. I know I suffer from Pancreatitis and I had an attack that morning, when the pain subsided I went to lie down for awhile. When I woke up, I went into the living room and saw the terrible thing that had happened. I know I went to Facebook and Twitter to find if they were safe. It wasn’t until night that I knew they were okay. A remarkable pair.

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