State Sen. Will Brownsberger
Senator Will Brownsberger will hold office hours in Watertown from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 4 in the café at the Watertown Free Public Library, 123 Main Street.
All are welcome to during this time to discuss issues, ask for help in dealing with state agencies, or talk about any other topic of concern.
At all other times Senator Brownsberger can be reached at his State House office at 617-722-1280 or his cell phone at 617-771-8274. His email address is William.Brownsberger@masenate.gov. The senator’s website at willbrownsberger.com provides many details on his positions and is also a place for open dialogue and public feedback.
Senator Brownsberger’s communications director, Jeanne Mooney, can be reached at the same office number. Her email address is Jeanne.Mooney@masenate.gov.