The first presentation in a three-part series for parents about healthy use of technology by children will be held Wednesday, March 25.
During the presentations you can learn about how our children use technology and the REAL dangers of being so connected. All presentations will be held at Watertown Middle School. The series is made possible by a grant from the Watertown Community Foundation.
The first presentation, The Emotional & Hidden Consequences of the Internet (Parent only presentation) will be held Wednesday, March 25 at 7 p.m. It features Jon Mattleman, Director of Needham Youth Services.
Parents worry about how their children use technology and about the physical and legal risks of being online, but what about the emotional risks? What about the effects of Instagram photos that tell your child, “We all went out together and didn’t invite you” or Facebook posts that scream, “My life is perfect and I’m popular and you’re not”? This presentation will focus on what technologies children/youth are using and surveys:
- Why teens feel so compelled to be connected 24/7
- The relationship between at-risk behaviors and technology
- The social and emotional consequences of being so connected
- Cyber-bullying and cyber-friendships
- Parent rules and standards for regulating use of technology
- Sites and Apps teens are often visiting/using
We will also be joined by Stacy Carruth, who is a Mindful Schools’ facilitator. She will guide us in some relaxation techniques.
The second presentation CYBER SAFETY (Parent & tweens/teens) will be on Wednesday, April 1 7 p.m. at Watertown Middle School featuring Kristen Noto – DA’s Office.
As a Middlesex County Assistant District Attorney, Kristen Noto has had firsthand experience prosecuting perpetrators and working with victims of online criminal behavior. She will hold a frank discussion about how risky online behaviors can negatively affect the emotional well-being, health and safety of our children. After her talk, she, along with a panel of staff members from the Watertown Public Schools, will help us plan guidelines for our children’s online use so that we can better ensure that they are safe while they are digitally connected.
On Wednesday, April 8, the presentation Child Development & Media/Technology features David Brickham from the Harvard Center on Media & Child Health.
Introductory mindfulness activities will be led by Stacy Carruth of Mindful Schools.
During each presentation, free child care is available; space is limited – sign up today. Yoga & mindfulness activities offered courtesy of Megan Dattoli, Groundwork Yoga + Wellness.
Reserve your seat today! –