Watertown Couple Arrested After Attacking Elderly Taxi Driver

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Watertown Police Cruiser

Police arrested a pair of Watertown residents who allegedly attacked an 80-year-old taxi driver when he confronted them for not paying their cab fare on St. Patrick’s Day.

Police received a call from the taxi driver to report a fare evasion.

“Officers observed the driver’s face was red and flush, and was bloodied with a possible broken nose,” said Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn.

The taxi driver picked up the couple, identified as Tyler Tuccio and Samantha Moreira of Watertown, in Boston and drove them to Highland Street in Watertown. When he informed them of the fare, Tuccio and Moreira exited the cab without paying, Lawn said.

The driver got out to get the money, and when he approached them, Tuccio struck the driver in the face with a closed hand and Moreira dropped to pizzas she was holding and punched the driver and left the area, Lawn said.

Police found the couple on Wilmot Street and placed them under arrest.

Tyler James Tuccio, 30, and Samantha Jo Moreira, 25, both of Watertown, both face charges of assault and battery on a person over age 60, disorderly conduct and attempting to evade a taxi fare, Lawn said.

6 thoughts on “Watertown Couple Arrested After Attacking Elderly Taxi Driver

  1. To jump ship and not pay a cab fare is one thing. I think I did it once at 20 years old and was petrified… To physically assault someone, especially an elderly person because they’re defending their livelihood is pathetic. Did you not have Grandparents? Were you raised by a pack of lunatics? If you could afford to get to Boston, you should’ve thought if you could afford to get your intoxicated butts home. This small community is extremely close, and despite our resilience, you cannot keep every bad person out of our town. I hope he goes to court to witness justice serving them well. Furthermore, they’re faced should be displayed on the Arsenal St billboard for all to see. 0 tolerance for scumbags!

  2. I think SUNNY is quick to point fingers …so the fact u felt guilty and didnt assault the driver when u evaded paying your fare isnt as bad …..is ludicrous. Wrong is wrong…passing judgement without knowing the detail Is asinine! You chose to share your indiscretion and were petrified not to be open and honest but to absolve yourself of your past crime. Small town or not you cant say you are the voice of others unless you are the 2 perps or the victim you dont know, how about we find the cabbie you stiffed and hear his version of the story??? Wouldn’t want that would you??? You did a bad thing….people do bad things….but to discriminate due to the fact you didnt physically harm the person when you committed a crime makes it better than what these other people did is stupid! Due process is at hand let them have their day in court. At least they are PAYING for their crime!!!

  3. Janet, your comments are ridiculous. Evading a cab fare is wrong but assaulting an elderly person is far far worse. All wrongs certainly are not equal…but you are just looking for an argument, am I right? I have no intention of debating the topic and won’t be responding to any nonsense you might respond with.

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