The list of Watertown Streets planned to be repaired this summer is not long, and Town Councilors said they would like it to be longer during last week’s Pubic Works subcommittee meeting.
Town Engineer Matt Schuman presented the draft list, which includes four project:
- Complete replacement of the roadway at Waltham Street from Bridge Street to the Waltham line.
- Complete replacement of the roadway at Fifield Street from Irving Street to Perkins School after gas lines have been replaced in the spring.
- Complete replacement of the roadway for the whole length of Lowell Avenue after gas lines have been replaced in the spring.
- Installation of traffic tables at Church and Palfrey streets and Church and Fayette streets, as well as other traffic calming and safety measures.
Schuman said the town is at the mercy of gas line improvements planned by National Grid.
“All the streets on the list are ones that have had gas mains replacement or will have them done soon,” said Schuman, who added that they do not want freshly repaved streets dug up to do gas main repairs.
Councilor Cecilia Lenk said she wished the list was longer.
“I know it’s frustrating for everyone,” Lenk said. “We would love to see 20 streets (repaired) and really make a dent in the list.”
Council Vice President Steve Corbett asked why the projects this year completely replace the roadway, known as full-depth reconstruction, rather than doing mill-and-replace projects where the top layer of asphalt is removed and a new layer is put down.
This year, Schuman said, the projects all require full-depth reconstruction.
The town will continue to repave after gas mains are replaced, said Dennis Sheehan, director of administration and finance for the DPW. The list for replacement in 2015 includes Irma Avenue, Belleveue Road, Lowell Avenue, Avon Road, Fifield Street, Priest Street, Cushman Street, Chester Street, Bates Road, Common Street, Orchard Street Extension and Main Street at Myrtle Street.
Also this year, water main repairs are planned for Hovey Street and Edenfield Avenue.