Patti Melanson
People are DONE with this winter!
The snow has stopped falling, and there was plenty of it. Share your photos from the Feb. 14-15 blizzard with Watertown News.
Above, I think Patti Melanson has captured the feeling of everyone in Watertown these days!
Below, the clean up has begun after another dumping of snow on Watertown. Is that pavement I see? Thanks to Pat Corbin Davis for these photos.

Pat Corbin Davis
Ken Davis gets started removing snow with a snowblower.

Pat Corbin Davis
Before the cleanup began after the Feb. 15 blizzard.
Here, you can see how out of control the the snow banks are in Watertown. Jesse Mason is 6-foot-3 and he said this snow bank on Mt. Auburn Street is over 7-feet tall.

Jesse Mason
This snow pile on Mt. Auburn Street is taller than Jesse Mason, who stands 6-foot-3.
A confused Great Dane looks at the snow drifts around his house. Thanks for the photo, Sarah Wallis-Dishon!

Sarah Wallis-Dishon
A Great Dane is almost dwarfed by the snow from the blizzard.
Leeann Lally sent this picture of snow drifts up to the front door of her Watertown home.

Leeann Lally
A view out the window of a Watertown home following the Feb. 15 blizzard.
Below, a father and son say “hi” as they dig out from the storm. The 4-year-old can only wave from behind the snow bank. Thanks to Maureen Hardesty Schrader for passing the cute photo along!

Maureen Hardesty Schrader
A father and his 4-year-old son (that’s his little hand waving) dig out after the Feb. 15 blizzard.
Snow as far as the eye can see. The Charles River is back there in this photo provided by April Whittemore.

April Whittemore
A snowscape along Charles River Road.
The windshield wipers are the only evidence that there a car there. Thanks to Stacia Russell for sharing.

Stacia Russell
A car is hiding in this snow bank on Fayette Street.
This picture from Patti Melanson shows just how much snow we got in Watertown.

Patti Melanson
Snow covers the roof, trees and more at this house on Edward Road.
Below, a view out the door of the Apartments at Coolidge School overlooking the baseball field at Sullivan Playground, courtesy of George Donohue. What a pile of snow!

George Donohue
Snow piled up in front of the Apartments at Coolidge School.
My wife took this photo of snow falling hard during the blizzard on Sunday morning out our window.

Jennifer Kavanaugh
Snow falls during the Feb. 14-15 Blizzard.
Our neighbors in Waltham also got blasted in the blizzard. Here’s a photo from Anastasia Baima.

Anastasia Baima
Snow blankets a parking lot in Waltham after the Feb. 15 blizzard.