The Watertown Republican Town Committee released the following statement about fellow GOP members endorsing Democrats in the Nov. 4 election:
A Resolution of Censure
Whereas; prior to the November 4th election, the GOP controlled roughly 15% of the State Legislature, and no Statewide Constitutional Office…
And Whereas; it was therefore incumbent upon all Republican office-holders and high-profile, celebrated former officer-holders, to actively support faithful Republicans seeking office, or at the very least not cause divisions by endorsing their Liberal Democrat opponents…
And whereas; in spite of the fact that former Governor William Weld endorsed Barack Obama for President in 2008, the MA-GOP Leadership embraced him upon his return to Massachusetts, welcoming him back into the inner circle of decision-makers and party strategists, further celebrating the former Governor as a great Party Patriarch by honoring him with the Prestigious Lincoln-Reagan Award, and then showcasing him at the 2014 State Convention…
And whereas; Former Governor William Weld endorsed Michael Day, an extremely Progressive Democrat, who was also endorsed by the Uber-liberal “Mass Alliance” group, over Caroline Colarusso, a well qualified conservative Republican running for State Representative in the Republican friendly 31st Middlesex District, in which the Weld endorsed Democrat, Michael Day, went on to win by 1%…
And whereas; Former Governor William Weld endorsed Richard Moore, another very Progressive Democrat and entrenched incumbent over Ryan Fattman another well qualified and conservative Republican rising-star in the Worcester/Norfolk State Senate District race…
And whereas; Republican Essex County Sheriff endorsed the radical agenda-driven Uber-Liberal Maura Healey over the well-qualified Republican candidate John Miller for Attorney General…
And whereas; former MA-GOP Chair and current Chair of the MA Republican State Senate PAC, Brian Cresta endorsed Theodore (Ted) Speliotis, a Progressive Democrat who holds a 10% (f-) rating from Mass Fiscal Alliance and a similar grade from Citizens for Limited Taxation, over Republican Tom Lyons in a race for 13th Essex State Representative, in which Speliotis went on to win by 2%…
And whereas; Lawrence Republican (Former) Mayor Michael J Sullivan and Republican City Councilor Marc Laplante endorsed Progressive Democrat Marcos Devers over Republican Roger Twomey in the 16th Essex race for State Representatives…
And whereas; the Republican Party unity is necessary to End to One Party Rule in Commonwealth….
And whereas; the aforementioned actions, by the aforementioned High Profile Republicans caused deep wounds to party unity, furthermore they may well have had serious negative impact on the outcomes of the aforementioned races…
Therefore be it resolved; that on this day, December 3rd, in the year of Our Lord 2014, at a regularly scheduled meeting, we the duly elected members of The Watertown Republican Town Committee condemn in the strongest possible manner, the aforementioned endorsements of Democrats by the aforementioned high profile Republicans…. And further vote to censure Former Governor William Weld, Sheriff Frank Cousins, Former MA-GOP Chair & current Chair of the MA Republican State Senate PAC Brian Cresta, Former Lawrence Mayer Michael J Sullivan, and Lawrence City Councilor Marc Laplante.
Be it further resolved; that The Watertown Republican Town Committee, instructs our State Committee members from the Second Suffolk & Middlesex District, Steve Aylward and Elizabeth Mahoney, and our Regional Chair Brad Williams of the 4thMA-GOP State Committee Region, to propose and or vote for a similar measure at the next MA-GOP State Committee meeting….
Be it further resolved; that The Watertown Republican Town Committee calls upon MA-GOP Chair Kirsten Hughes to publicly announce that the MA-GOP will strip former Governor William Weld of the Prestigious Lincoln-Reagan Award, that he shall no-longer be invited to speak or have any place of honor at MA-GOP functions, that he be stripped of any and all other MA-GOP awards or recognition, and that he no longer be allowed to serve as an Ex-Officio Delegate at State Conventions…
Be it further resolved; that The Watertown Republican Town Committee holds that the aforementioned Republican office holders or High Profile Republicans who endorsed Democrats, should never be given any support by the MA-GOP in any future election….
Be it further resolved; that the Watertown Republican Town Committee suggest the MA Republican State Senate PAC replace the current Chair Brian Cresta, with a faithful Republican.
Be it further resolved; that The Watertown Republican Town Committee authorizes and instructs the Chair of the Committee to release this resolution to the Media and to send copies the following:
MA-GOP Chair Kirsten Hughes
RNC-National Committeeman Ron Kaufman
RNC-National Committeewoman Chanel Prunier
State Committeeman Steven Aylward
State Committeewoman Elizabeth Mahoney
Region 4 Chair Brad Williams.
Is this a joke? It reads like a Monty Python skit! What are they planning to do to the “aforementioned” Republicans? Toilet paper their houses? Soap their car windows? Or are they planning on putting the heretics in the stocks on the Watertown Square?
Presumably the aforementioned Republicans like Bill Weld are thinking grown-ups who are capable of make their own decisions and likely don’t give a fig for the opinion of the WRTC. I didn’t realize their was such talent for comedy in Watertown.