Watertown State Rep. Jonathan Hecht was named an Environmental Champion. Pictured from left, George Bachrach (Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund), Hecht, Tom McShane (Mass. League of Environmental Voters), and Erica Mattison (Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund).
Watertown State Rep. Jonathan
Watertown State Rep. Jonathan Hecht received recognition for his work on environmental issues from two groups.
Hecht was named an “Environmental Champion” by the Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund and the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters (MLEV) and endorsed for re-election for his seat in the 29th Middlesex District.
“Our organizations are united in support of the extraordinary commitment to environmental protection made by Jonathan Hecht,” said Chuck Anastas, MLEV board Chairman. “We need his 21st century leadership in the state legislature.”
George Bachrach, president of the ELM Action Fund, said Hecht understands the importance of clean energy technology.
“Representative Hecht understands the connection between the environment and the economy,” Bachrach said. “Clean energy technology has created 80,000 new jobs in the Commonwealth, and Jonathan understands the synergy between the environment and the economy. It’s our future.”
The election will be Tuesday, Nov. 4.
For more information, please contact us at:
Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund: 617-742-0474 / www.elmaction.org
Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters: 617-661-6646 / www.mlev.org