LETTER: Watertown Resident Supports Warren Tolman for AG

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To the Editor:

I support Watertown resident Warren Tolman for Attorney General in the Democratic Primary on September 9.  Warren brings practical experience as an independent advocate for policies to protect citizens, a commitment to enforce the law with professionalism, and the ability to work in the community to address the underlying conditions contributing to many law enforcement problems. 

As Attorney General, Warren will protect civil rights so that all have the ability to participate fully in the economic and civic life of the state.  For example, Warren will work to ensure that no one’s access to education is compromised by bullying or sexual assault.

A sponsor of the original Buffer Zone law, Warren will vigorously enforce the state’s new law protecting the rights of women seeking care at reproductive health clinics.

Warren believes that while people should be held accountable for their crimes, the problems of drug abuse and mental illness need to be addressed by educating the public, increasing the capacity of treatment facilities so that services are available for all who need them, and making the legal requirement of parity for mental health care services a reality.

Warren’s proposal to require manufacturers to make guns less dangerous recognizes that while law enforcement must work to get existing weapons off the streets, long term solutions require harnessing technology to free communities of gun violence.

Warren’s record of public service demonstrates that he will fulfill his commitment to using the law along with other necessary tools to protect rights and solve problems.  He deserves your vote.


Renée M. Landers


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