The Watertown Veterans Services Office will kick off a series of office hours for veterans on Jan. 31 at the Shutt Detachement.
Watertown Veterans Agent Patrick George decided to hold office hours to give the town’s veterans a chance to speak to him, ask questions and discuss plans for the upcoming veterans’ holidays. The meeting is open to all veterans and members of the community.
For the first monthly meeting, George said he wants to let the veterans decide what to talk about.
“I’d like to leave the forum fairly open for this first meeting, and see where the questions and conversations take us,” George said. “Going forward I may try and incorporate a guest or a theme depending on the time of the year — whether it’s tax prep or suggestions in regards to a Memorial Day Parade guest speaker, for example.”
Watertown has had office hours in different forms in the past, George said, but he wanted to revive it. He also decided the office hours should be held at a venue larger than the Veterans Services Office in Town Hall.
“We’re holding it at the Shutt simply due to capacity,” George said. “I am hopeful we will get a large collection of Veterans in the community, so it’s a way to ensure I don’t have a line outside of my office for people waiting to ask questions.”
After the first office hours, George will reevaluate whether it should continue to be at the Shutt and if the time of day works.
The Veterans Services Office’s office hours will be held on Friday, January 31, 2020, starting at 3 p.m. It will be held at the Shutt Detachment, 215 Mount Auburn St. in Watertown.
Please contact the Department of Veterans’ Services with any questions by calling 617-972-6416, or email PGeorge@Watertown-ma.gov. Information about the Watertown Veterans Services Office is available on Facebook at www.facebook.com/watertownvso